Hotel Kouraku

  • Convenience store within 5 minutes walk
  • Parking (fees apply)
  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
From:JPY 26,400(USD181)per night
Area: Beppu, Oita
Type: Ryokan
Code: 9650-043
It is located at Kitahama coast, the mainstreet in Beppu. It is very convenient to downtown, the port and the station. 3 minutes walk to the spa beach. The cuisne is by the sea and farm products of Oita Prefecture. The movement by the wheelchair in the hotel is possible.
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  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
  • Lobby
  • Main bath
  • Public open-air bath
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom


3-13-21 Kitahama, Beppu-shi, Oita 874-0920

10 minutes walk from JR Beppu station.


Capacity 187 occupants Total rooms 38 rooms
Phone 0977-22-1331 FAX 0977-21-4149
Pick-up service   


  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Credit cards

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