The Prince Hakone Lake Ashinoko Main Building

  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
From:JPY 40,220(USD276)per night
Area: Motohakone, Kanagawa
Type: Resort Hotel
Code: 2880-011
This hotel is a luxurious resort hotel located beside the lake Ashinoko and surrounded by water and greenery. The open-air baths overlooking the lake are now opened. The resort features more varieties of facility and offer the special hospitality and space to enjoy complete relaxation.
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  • Hotel facade
  • Lobby
  • Bath
  • Bath
  • Guestroom
  • Facilities
  • Facilities


144 Moto-Hakone Hakone-machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa 250-0592

80 minutes on bus from JR Odawara Station bound for Hakone-en.
40 minutes by taxi from JR Odawara Station.


Capacity 182 occupants Total rooms 91 rooms
Phone 0460-83-1111 FAX 0460-83-1002
Pick-up service Available from JR Odawara Station. Reservation required. 


  • Onsen
  • Sauna
  • Credit cards

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