Iriomotejima-Jungle hotel Painumaya

  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
From:JPY 16,720(USD114)per night
Area: Iriomotejima, Okinawa
Type: Resort Hotel
Code: 9991-004
Spa & Hotel Painumaya Resort is equipped with hot spring in Japan's south most end. The hotel is in the grand nature of Iriomote Island. Please participate in the nature experience plans including marine sport, canoe, trekking and tours of the sightseeing spots. At the restaurant, local dishes arranged mainly with the ingredients taken in Iriomote Island are served. It is the healing hotel where is able to enjoy Mother Nature and the hot spring.
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  • Hotel facade
  • Restaurant
  • Lounge
  • Pool
  • Meals
  • Hotel facilities
  • Hotel facilities
  • Hotel facilities
  • Hotel facilities
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom


243 Takana, Taketomi-cho, Yaeyama-gun, Okinawa 907-1431 Japan

30 minutes on bus from Ohara Port bound for Shirahama and get off at Iriomote-jima Onsen.
25 minutes by taxi from Ohara Port.


Capacity 100 occupants Total rooms 31 rooms
Phone 0980-85-5700 FAX 0980-85-5099
Pick-up service Available from Ohara Port. Reservation required. 


  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Sauna
  • Credit cards

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