Rihga Gran Kyoto

  • Exterior
Area : Kyoto, Kyoto
Type : Hotel
Code : 5311-109
All rooms have a pocket coil bed developed in conjunction with Simmons, a bathroom with a wash area, and a stand-alone sink so that guests can relax. The "Shikisai-bako" breakfast, made with local ingredients, creates a delicate impression of refinement.
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Rate type Room type Meals Avg per night    
Standard Twin bed room Non Smoking Standard twin bed room

For 1 to 2 occupant(s)

No meals. JPY10,560 - JPY35,860
(USD72 - USD246)
Non-smoking room Select
Standard Double bed room Non Smoking Double bed room

For 1 to 2 occupant(s)

No meals. JPY10,560 - JPY35,860
(USD72 - USD246)
Non-smoking room Select
Standard Twin bed room Non Smoking Standard twin bed room

For 1 to 2 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY13,200 - JPY40,700
(USD90 - USD279)
Non-smoking room Select
Standard Double bed room Non Smoking Double bed room

For 1 to 2 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY13,200 - JPY40,700
(USD90 - USD279)
Non-smoking room Select
Superior Twin bed room Non Smoking Twin bed room

For 2 to 3 occupant(s)

No meals. JPY14,080 - JPY42,900
(USD96 - USD295)
Non-smoking room Select
Superior Twin bed room Non Smoking Twin bed room

For 2 to 3 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY18,920 - JPY50,490
(USD130 - USD347)
Non-smoking room Select

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