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Iga Ueno is situated almost at the midpoint between Osaka and Nagoya. It is a castle town that spreads out in the northern Iga Basin, completely surrounded by mountains. The city is laid out in a neat grid of streets. The samurai residences and temple town retain strong reminders of the olden days. It is also famous as the birthplace of the Iga ninja spies, which is one of the ninja schools established around the 15th century. The ninjas would infiltrate into the enemy's ground with their special skills called 'ninjutsu,' with the objectives of scouting, conniving stratagems, raiding, harassing the rear guard and engaging other activities. At the Iga Ninja Museum, where an actual ninja's residence was relocated, you can enjoy watching powerful ninja shows, and experience for yourself the challenge of throwing ninja stars and even try on real ninja clothing.
Iga Ueno Castle is famous for having the highest stone walls in Japan. These stone walls were selected for use in a scene for the movie "Kagemusha," directed by the internationally renowned film maker Akira Kurosawa.


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