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Shuzenji Onsen

Shuzen-ji is located almost in the center of the Izu-hanto Peninsula, on a hill surrounded by the Amagi, Sugumo and Daruma mountains. It is one of the major hot spring resorts in Naka-Izu that developed along the Katsura-gawa River. Many scholars, artists and writers love the quiet atmosphere of Shuzen-ji-onsen Hot Spring and have spent much time there. There is a legend that Kobo-Daishi, the great monk of the 8th century, pounded on a rock with his Buddhist walking stick, called a 'tokko,' to bring forth the hot spring water. The spring was therefore named Tokko-no-yu, or Tokko Hot Spring, and it is the birthplace of the Shuzen-ji-onsen Hot Spring area. It is located in the center of the town and visitors are welcome. Shuzen-ji Oku-no-in was erected by Kobo-Daishi in the beautiful temple grounds of Shuzen-ji, where he is said to have received his training as a Buddhist monk in his youth.

Shuzenji Onsen

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