Daiwa Roynet Hotel Sendai Ichibancho PREMIER

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From:JPY 9,410(USD60)per night
Area: Sendai, Miyagi
Type: Hotel
Code: 1660-086
1 min walk from Subway Hirose-dori Station station. Suitable for both sightseeing and business trip. All bathrooms and toilet are separated. Located near Kokubun-cho, the largest downtown area in the Tohoku region. Enjoy a soothing stay in a space created with dignified decorations and elegance motifs.
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4-2-2, Ichiban-cho, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi, Miyagi

Approximately 15 minutes walk from JR Sendai Station
1 minute walk from Hirose-dori Station on the Sendai Municipal Subway Nanboku Line

Approximately 10 minutes from Sendai Miyagi IC on the Tohoku Expressway


Capacity 268 occupants Total rooms 124 rooms
Phone 022-796-7685 FAX 022-796-7686
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