Yutorelo Toyako

  • Convenience store within 5 minutes walk
  • Parking (free)
  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
From:JPY 50,490(USD347)per night
Area: Toyako Onsen, Hokkaido
Type: Ryokan
Code: 0180-008
Yutorelo Toyako is known for its constantly flowing hot-spring water. The lobby is decorated with carpet specially ordered from England and blends in naturally with the authentic Japanese interior. Attentive staff are on hand to make you feel at home.
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  • Hotel facade
  • Lobby
  • Open-air bath
  • Main bath
  • Guestroom
  • Others


78 Toyako Onsen, Abuta- cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido, 049-5721 Japan

15 minutes on bus from JR Toya Station bound for Toyako Onsen. Get off at final stop and 7 minutes walk.
12 minutes by taxi from JR Toya Station.
60 mintes by taxi from Shin-Chitose Airport.


Capacity 250 occupants Total rooms 58 rooms
Phone 0570-02-0165 FAX 0142-75-2816
Pick-up service Available from JR Toya Station. Reservation required. 


  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Cafe or Tea rooms
  • Credit cards

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