Hakodate Onuma Tsuruga Resort EPUY

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From:JPY 60,720(USD384)per night
Area: Onuma Koen, Hokkaido
Type: Resort Hotel
Code: 0242-013
Hakodate Onuma Tsuruga Resort EPUY is a hotel where you can enjoy the grandeur of nature and a beautiful garden full of flowers and herbs. The hotel is in the enviable location of Onuma giving the hotel access to an abundance of seasonal specialties.
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85-9 Onuma-cho, Nanae-cho, Kameda-gun

3-minute walk from Onuma Koen Station

20 minutes by shuttle bus from Shin Hakodate Hokuto Station, JR Hokkaido Shinkansen Line

15 minutes by Onuma Koen IC, Doo Expressway

Onuma Koen IC ⇒National Route 5 ⇒National Route 43


Capacity 86 occupants Total rooms 30 rooms
Phone 0138-67-2964 FAX 0138-67-3928
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