Miyako Hotel Gifu Nagaragawa

  • Parking (free)
  • Hotel facade
Area : Nagaragawa Kahan, Gifu
Type : City Hotel
Code : 3830-010
Gifu Miyako Hotel is located on the bank of Nagaragawa River in Gifu City, and adjacent to Nagaragawa Convention Center. It is easy access to Gifu Memorial Center. The restaurant features Japanese, European, Sichuan cuisines and Sushi bar.
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Rate type Room type Meals Avg per night    
Single bed room Non Smoking Single bed room

For 1 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY18,590 - JPY28,710
(USD127 - USD197)
Early bird discount
Multiple nights discount
Non-smoking room
Twin bed room Non Smoking Twin bed room

For 2 to 3 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY30,800 - JPY52,140
(USD211 - USD358)
Early bird discount
Multiple nights discount
Non-smoking room
River view Twin bed room Non Smoking Twin bed room

For 2 to 3 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY35,640 - JPY59,400
(USD245 - USD408)
Early bird discount
Multiple nights discount
Non-smoking room
Panorama Suite room Non Smoking Suite

For 2 to 3 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY49,500 - JPY71,940
(USD340 - USD494)
Early bird discount
Multiple nights discount
Non-smoking room
Connecting room Non Smoking Connecting room

For 4 to 6 occupant(s)

Breakfast included JPY61,600 - JPY104,280
(USD423 - USD717)
Early bird discount
Multiple nights discount
Non-smoking room

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