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The Nakasen-do is a highway which developed as a point of transportation that connected Edo (present-day Tokyo) and Kyoto around the 17th to 19th century. The Kiso-ji Road, which is a part of the Nakasen-do, is surrounded by steep mountains and retains the scenery of the old days better than any other part of the highway. You can walk around its 11 post stations which are spotted along a distance of about 8 to 16 kilometers. In Magome-juku (a former post station), at the mouth of Kiso-ji on the Nakasen-do, there remain rows of old houses decorated with lattice along stone-paved sloping roads.
By going beyond the 801-meter-high point on a mountain road from Magome, you will reach Tsumago-juku. The town suffered temporary damage from the construction of new railways; however, a campaign to preserve the town has been going on since 1968, and it has helped to restore the town along the Kiso-ji Road on the Nakasen-do to its original state. It was registered as the Japan's first important traditional building conservation area.


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