Gekkoen Yugetsusanso

  • Parking (free)
  • Exterior
  • Exterior
From:JPY 47,520(USD326)per night
Area: Arima Onsen, Hyogo
Type: Ryokan
Code: 6720-002
Enjoy the nature in all four seasons including cherry blossoms in Spring and autumn leaves later in the year. River Takikawa runs through the hotel's premises and it is particularly recommended to relax in the open-air bath while listening to the sound of stream.
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  • Exterior
  • Public Open-air bath
  • Public Open-air bath
  • Public Spa(image)
  • Public Spa(image)
  • Exterior
  • Hotel lobby
  • Guestroom
  • Facilities
  • Facilities
  • Hotel facilities
  • Hotel facilities
  • Meals
  • Meals
  • Buffet (image)


318 Arima-cho Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo 651-1401

10 minutes on foot from Arimaonsen station on Kobe Railway.
60 minutes by Hankyu bus from Umeda station bound for Arima Onsen, get off at Arima Onsen bus stop, 6 minutes walk.
40 minutes by JR bus from Kobe Sannomiya. Contact for pick-up service.

15 minutes from Nishinomiya Kita IC on Chugoku Expressway.


Capacity 184 occupants Total rooms 40 rooms
Phone 078-904-0366 FAX 078-904-0360
Pick-up service Available from Arima-cho. 


  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Sauna
  • Restaurants
  • Bars or Lounges
  • Pool
  • Esthetics
  • Credit cards

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