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Aso Onsen

Mt. Aso-san is located at the center of Aso-Kuju National Park in Kumamoto and Oita, which lies roughly in the center of Kyushu. The mountain is a typical complex volcano composed of an outer rim with a total circumferential length of 128 kilometers, a caldera (circular volcanic basin) with three municipals inside, and five mountains (Aso Gotake) on the central plateau, including the active Mt. Naka-dake.
Many hot spring villages, including Tarutama, Jigoku, Aso, and Yunotani, are located inside and outside Aso-Kuju National Park. The Aso Uchinomaki-onsen-kyo Hot Spring Village, with more than 100 hot springs, is the largest among them.

Aso Onsen

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