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Lake Hamana-ko

Lake Hamana-ko is situated in the western part of Shizuoka, on the border with Aichi. It used to be a fresh water lake, but an earthquake that occurred at the end of the 15th century cut the sandbank that had closed off the lake, thereby connecting the lake to the Sea of Enshu. Later, in the 16th century, a tsunami broke and further opened the mouth of the lake, creating a salt lake with an intricate shoreline, which is the present-day Lake Hamana-ko.
On the eastern shore of Lake Hamana-ko is the Kanzanji-onsen Hot Spring, a relatively new hot spring resort that opened in the mid-20th century. Its three sides are surrounded by the lake and it boasts of not only having natural beauty, but also superb hotel facilities, the largest on the lake. In Hamamatsu City Flower Park, near the Kanzanji-onsen Hot Spring, grow some 100,000 plants, approximately 3,000 different species in all. The park has a western garden with a large fountain and a large geometrically patterned flower bed, as well as a Japanese garden with a pine forest and a stream.

Lake Hamana-ko

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