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Matsushima is located in the central part of Miyagi Prefecture. Some 260 islands, large and small, are scattered in picturesque Matsushima Bay. The view of Matsushima changes from place-to-place and from-season-to-season, and is so beautiful that it is considered one of the three most beautiful sites in Japan.
Dotted with small islands covered by black and red pines and grayish white rocks, the views of Matsushima Bay from the four islands of Ogi-ga-tani, Tomi-yama, Otaka-mori, and Tamon-zan are truly spectacular, which is called "Matsushima Shidaikan," the four grandest views in Matsushima. With its stunning island scenery, the place is frequented by visitors all year round.
Zuigan-ji Temple, a Zen temple erected in 828, stands facing Matsushima Bay. It took five years to construct the present buildings for Date Masamune, who reigned over this district in 1604. Among them, the main hall and other premises are designated as national treasures. They are highly valued as representatives of the classic Japanese architectural style of that period.


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