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Miyajima Island is the popular name of Itsuku-shima Island, situated in Hatsukaichi City in southwestern Hiroshima. It is a scenic site in which the mountains, sea, and red shrine buildings blend together in harmony, and the entire island is designated as a historic site. It is said to be one of the three most beautiful sights in Japan, along with Matsushima in Miyagi Prefecture and Ama-no-hashidate in Kyoto. The origin of Miyajima is said to date back to when the Itsuku-shima-jinja Shrine was built in 593, the year Empress Suiko took the throne. But the island of Miyajima itself has had a long history of being an object of worship, especially its Mt. Mi-sen that rises up at the center of the island. Men of power always worshiped and protected Miyajima.


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