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EchigoYuzawa Onsen

Echigo-Yuzawa is located in the southernmost part of Niigata and adjoins Nagano and Gunma. This is a historic hot spring resort, which appears in the well-known novel "The Snow Country" written by the Nobel Prize winner Yasunari Kawabata. Echigo-Yuzawa also has good transportation service, particularly from the metropolitan area, so that it attracts a lot of people for skiing in winter and for hiking and camping in summer.
By taking the Yuzawa-onsen ropeway from Sanroku Station (at the foot of the mountain), you can go up to 1,000 meters above sea level. Around the Sancho Station (at the top of the mountain), there is Alps-no-sato, the alpine plants garden, where you can enjoy 'mizubasho' (skunk cabbages) in the spring, 'nikkokisuge' (a kind of yellow lily) in summer, and the autumn leaves of Japanese larch trees in fall. Also, Echigo-Yuzawa is covered in snow in winter and attracts many skiers.

EchigoYuzawa Onsen

EchigoYuzawa Onsen hotels and ryokans

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