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Sado Island

Sado-ga-shima Island is located 45 kilometers west of the city of Niigata, in the northern part of the Chubu region. Apart from the four main islands, it is the biggest island in Japan, with a periphery of around 227 kilometers and an area of about 857 square kilometers. The island consists of two parallel mountain ranges, the Kimpoku and Kunimi Mountains, and between them lie the Kuninaka Plains. Together they form a part of Sado Yahiko Quasi-National Park.
Sado-ga-shima Island has many attractions, such as the Sado Gold Mine that offers a reproduction of gold mining activities in the 17th and 18th centuries complete with miniatures and electric powered dolls. Other attractions include Senkaku Bay with a beautiful view of the precipitous cliffs, Lake Kamo-ko where you can enjoy cherry blossoms in spring, and Toki-no-mori-koen Park where you can see Japanese crested ibises, a protected species.

Sado Island

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