Hotel Yahatakan

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  • Exterior
  • Exterior
From:JPY 47,520(USD301)per night
Area: Sado Yawata Onsen, Niigata
Type: Ryokan
Code: 4033-001
Hotel Yahatakan is located in the uplands of vast pine forest garden, and offers the great view of Mano Bay and the Sado mountain range. The hotel features the spacious room and the hot spring baths which imperial family once stayed. After dinner, traditional Sado folk dances are performed.
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  • Exterior
  • Hotel lobby
  • Public Spa(image)
  • Bath
  • Facilities
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom


2043 Yahata, Sado-shi, Niigata, 952-1311 Japan

50 minutes on bus from Ryotsu ferry terminal bound for Sawada and get off at Yahata Onsen.
30 minutes by taxi from Ryotsu ferry terminal.


Capacity 420 occupants Total rooms 94 rooms
Phone 0259-57-2141 FAX 0259-57-2144
Pick-up service   


  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Sauna
  • Cafe or Tea rooms
  • Bars or Lounges
  • Credit cards

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