Yunokawa Prince Hotel Nagisatei

  • Convenience store within 5 minutes walk
  • Parking (free)
  • Hotel facade
  • Hotel facade
From:JPY 59,380(USD377)per night
Area: Yunokawa Onsen, Hokkaido
Type: Ryokan
Code: 0240-017
Yunokawa Prince Hotel Nagisatei is situated on the seaside of Hakodate Yunokawa Onsen, the historical hot-spring resort, and the majestic Tsugaru Straits is just in front of the hotel. Nagisatei provides a first-class hotel experience with ocean views and relaxation at a spa. All staff welcome guests heartily to provide an unforgettable stay. Nagisatei has been selected as one of the "Best 250 Japanese Hotels" for five consecutive years.
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  • Hotel facade
  • Lobby
  • Lobby
  • Men
  • Men
  • Women
  • Women
  • Lounge
  • Pool
  • Facilities
  • Restaurant
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom
  • Guestroom


1-2-25 Yunokawa-cho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido

20 minutes on bus from JR Hakodate Station bound for Hiyoshi Eigyousho. Get off at Rojin fukushi center, walk 1 minute.
15 minutes by taxi from JR Hakodate Station.


Capacity 830 occupants Total rooms 186 rooms
Phone 0138-57-3911 FAX 0138-57-3916
Pick-up service   


  • Convenience Store on site
  • Large bath
  • Onsen
  • Sauna
  • Cafe or Tea rooms
  • Restaurants
  • Pool
  • Credit cards

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