Garden Terrace Nagasaki Hotels & Resorts

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From:JPY 48,400(USD332)per night
Area: Nagasaki, Nagasaki
Type: Resort Hotel
Code: 9340-072
Garden Terrace Nagasaki Hotels & Resorts is the designer’s hotel located on a hillside of Mt Inasa. All rooms are suite type faced to the ocean. Please enjoy the unparalleled view of the harbor and the city of Nagasaki. There are three types of refined restaurants which are French, Japanese Kaiseki and Teppan-yaki.
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2-3 Akizuki-machi, Nagasaki-shi, Nagasaki, 850-0064 Japan

15 minutes by route bus from JR Nagasaki Station.
13 minutes by shuttle bus from JR Nagasaki Station

20 minutes drive from Nagasaki IC via Dejima bypass

50 minutes to Nagasaki Station by airport limousine.
8 minutes drive from area around the station.
Free shuttle service from Nagasaki Station (reservation required)


Capacity 94 occupants Total rooms 36 rooms
Phone 095-864-7776 FAX 095-864-7767
Pick-up service Available from JR Nagasaki Station. Reservation required. 

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