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Cradling the boundaries of the three prefectures of Gunma, Niigata, and Fukushima, Oze is the generic name for the areas surrounded by the mountains of Oze-ga-hara, Oze-numa, and other nearby mountains such as Mt. Hiuchi-ga-take, Mt. Keizuru-yama, and Mt. Shibutsu-san. It is located at the center of Oze National Park.
Oze, set on a plateau 1,400-1,700 meters above sea level, is the largest high moor in Japan; it was created by the lava from Mt. Hiuchi-ga-take, which dammed up the Tadami-gawa River. About 400 shallow pools can be seen here and there; rare bog plants such as 'mizubasho' (Japanese skunk cabbage) and 'Nikko-kisuge' (yellow alpine lily) grow in patches; and floating islands of peat layers are visible. Creeping pines growing in stands and virgin forests of beech trees stretch to the nearby mountains. All these areas were designated as a special natural monument of Japan in 1960, and inscribed as registered wetlands under the Ramsar Convention of 2005.


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