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Arima Onsen 【3 of the historical Onsen】

Located in what is called "Ura-Rokko" (back of Rokko) in the north of Kobe is the Arima-onsen Hot Spring Resort, one of the oldest in Japan, said to have been opened when Buddhist monks built a sanitarium there in the 8th century. The spa contains a variety of hot springs including salt-rich spring with a salt content as high as twice that of seawater, carbonated spring with the flavor of soda-pop and radium spring. Arima-onsen Hot Spring is very popular as it is referred to as "The back parlor of Keihanshin" (Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe).

Arima Onsen 【3 of the historical Onsen】

Arima Onsen 【3 of the historical Onsen】 hotels and ryokans

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